Density functional theory for Fermi systems with large \(s\)-wave scattering length: application to atomic and nuclear physics
In the present work, a density functional theory (DFT) is developed for systems interacting through an anomalously large \(s\)-wave scattering length \(a_s\). Examples of such systems are atomic gas or neutron matter. The Many-Body Perturbation Theory (MBPT) is first discussed to describe dilute Fermi systems. This approach leads to the well-known Lee-Yang functional valid in a very narrow range of density when the \(s\)-wave scattering length is large. To extend the domain of validity of the perturbative approach, resummation techniques with the ladder approximation is used. This leads to compact expressions for both the energy and/or the on-shell self-energy in infinite spin-degenerated systems that can be applied from diluted to dense systems. It also leads to finite energy in atomic gas at the unitary limit, i.e. when \(|a_sk_F|\to+∞\). The deduced functionals remain rather complex and lacks of predictive power in general. To simplify the functional, approximations called phase-space or partial phase-space approximations respectively for the energy or for the self-energy, are proposed. These approximations not only simplify the form of the functionals, but also improve their predictive power at various density while properly reproducing the low density limit. Guided by the non-perturbative resummation technique developed in this thesis, several novel functionals are proposed as well as extensions of them to include effective range effects. These non-empirical functionals, that essentially contain no free parameters, are tested against cold atom and/or neutron matter properties. A very good reproduction of ab initio and experimental observations in cold atom is obtained. The equation of state obtained for neutron matter is also reproduced up to \(ρ= 0.01/\rm fm^3\). The static response of neutron matter, recently obtained from ab initio theory, is also better reproduced compared to standardly used empirical nuclear DFT. This study has also pointed out the necessity to better understand quasi-particle properties like the effective mass. To further progress, starting from resummed expressions of the self-energy together with partial phase-space approximation, compact expressions of the chemical potential and effective masses are obtained that are eventually compatible with the DFTs proposed in the first part of this thesis. These expressions are anticipated to significantly extend the domain of validity compared to the perturbative approach. We finally show that the developments made in this work are also useful to reconcile the parameters generally used in the empirical nuclear DFT with the properties of the strong nuclear interaction.