Antoine Boulet
higher education teacher • theoretical physicist

Room 51 (1th floor)
44 avenue Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
72000 Le Mans, France
As a theoretical physicist, my research interests are primarily focused on quantum many-body problems and development of ab initio, i.e. from first principle, density functional theories with applications to nuclear, atomic, chemistry, and condensed matter physics.
I am higher education teacher at the ISMANS CESI engineering school in Le Mans (France) for the integrated preparatory cycle (undergraduate) and for the engineering cycle (graduate). The subjects I teach are physics, chemistry, mathematics and programming.
- NTG @ Warsaw University of Technology
with Gabriel Wlazłowski and Piotr Magierski - FRIB/NSCL @ Michigan State University
with Scott Bogner and Witek Nazarewicz - IPNO @ University of Paris-Saclay
with Denis Lacroix
(for more informations, check out my curriculum vitæ)
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